Sunday 12 December 2010

"Learn the UNDERGROUND SECRET behind ALL Magic Websites that try to sell you CRAP.
It's a total AWESOME rare opportunity!
You cannot miss this RARE opportunity of a lifetime."


Welcome to SCAM! Over the years I have collected the data that will make YOU a PERFECT scammer in LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES.

I took lessons from the greatest in our business and I am practically giving it away. The greatest scammer don't want you to know this, they don't want me to tell you. BUT I WILL DO IT ANYWAY.

YOU are here, because you want the BEST!
YOU are reading this, because YOU DESERVE EVEN MORE!
YOU will get it, if you get SCAM!

What you will get: You will learn many tricks and techniques that enable you to sell cheap magic secrets and GET A LOT OF MONEY doing so. In only five minutes you will be able to SCAM OTHERS into buying your crap, that COST YOU NOTHING to produce.

But before I give you a FREE TREAT you should consider the following:
Do you need more money than you already have?
If the answer is no, please leave this website.
Of course you do. That means you cannot miss this chance. You NEED TO BUY SCAM.

But as I promised here are a few FREE Tips that make YOU the ULTIMATE SUPERSCAMMER.

  1. Always use BUZZ words like ULTIMATE, FANTASTIC or MINDFUCKING... make sure you spell the worlds in capital letters.
  2. Make sure that keywords are RED.
  3. Promise success in less than 10 minutes.
  4. Have a video ready that tells the reader nothing.
  5. Offer lots of free bonuses in the lower section.
  6. Make up fake prices for the free bonuses and claim that it is such a bargain.
  7. Give a vague reason why you are giving it away.
  8. Claim that it will get you laid.
  9. Promise way more than you can offer (this should be a no brainer)!
  10. Always mention that you get stuff for FREE, although they would pay for it.
  11. Add fake TESTIMONIALS.
  12. Make it look like a limited offer, even though it is just digital and is endless that way.

Those are just a few of the tips that YOU will get if you get the ULTIMATE SCAM.
But don't take my words, take a look at the testimonials:

"I got SCAM last week, at first I was sceptical, I thought this was some multi level marketing scheme like Amway, but I was totally wrong. I set up my SCAM-site and in less than 5 minutes I was a millionaire. Thank you."

Robert Vernon, Chicago

"Who would have thought that being a rich scammer is so easy, I thought it takes time and work. But it takes none of it. I got SCAM when it was just a rumor, but I feel the need to confirm it. SCAM is the best scam ever. Period!"

George Racherbaumer, Paris

"I never believed I would be able to copy the book 'Magic for Dummies' and then sell it to those who already owned it and get away with it. But those tips that I got with SCAM are great. The idea to offer a 100% money back guarantee alone was worth the price of SCAM. Kudos!"

Obvious Fakename, New York

But wait, there is more. If you order your limited version of SCAM you will receive the following bonuses.

1. Get to know the secrets of setting up the web page in such a way that a window will pop up when you try to leave. Thereby offering you even less of a discount if you order now.
This alone is worth 45$. Way more than the whole SCAM package. But you will get it for FREE.

2. Learn about the affiliate program, which seems like a way that other can benefit from your sales. But in reality it is just a way to make them buy your stuff and to do free advertisement for you. To set this up you would need ELITE programming skills, to learn those you would need time and money, estimated at 466$, But guess what you get it for free too.

Add them up and you will get the sum of 800$ that I am practically giving you for free if you order SCAM.

How much you ask. Well let us hear more from people who got SCAM.

"What can I say, the best deal I ever made. I learned not to care about the magic community."

Vincent Wilson, Antarctica

"If I would be in power to do so, I would stop that offer. It is that good. Why are you giving it away? Only I should be able to scam others. Oh well, at least I got money and sex to make me feel a bit better."

Casimir Sankey, not from Canada

So how much is SCAM? Well, how much would you pay? 50 bucks you say? No! It is less than that. For only 15$ you can get the ULTIMATE SCAM which will make you THE MASTER SCAMMER of the CENTURY.

Did I mention there is a 100% money back guarantee? No? Well there is. If you are not happy I will give you all the money back. But you can even keep the material. How can I make such an offer? Well, the fact that I never say my name which make me legally not liable has nothing to to with it. I promise.

The reason is KINDNESS. I want you to have this knowledge, I want you to scam the magic community.

So what are you waiting for. I offer you goodies worth 800$ for just 15 bucks. You would be RETARDED not to buy it.

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